Exciting Stuff Happening Over At Superdude.org

Today, Thursday the 13th of January, 2011, I’ve begun posting Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders vs. Zombies with the first, 5-page Introductory chapter up.  At least one new page will be uploaded every Tues and Thurs.

Summary: It’s 1898, and a Zombie Apocalypse has hit the tri-state area hard. Theodore Roosevelt is New York’s only hope to wage war on the zombies, and muckraking journalist Jacob Riis the only man who can uncover the mystery of WHY the dead are rising.

Chapter 1: Introducing…Zombies!

Please check out the first installment and comment over at Superdude.org

I’ve put a lot of time into researching this, devouring relevant books, almost all in audio format… most of them I got free from the library or resources for the blind and disabled…

I would recommend any of these:

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris

The Lion’s Pride: Theodore Roosevelt and his Family in Peace and War by Edward J. Renehan Jr.

Theodore Roosevelt: American Rough Rider by John Garraty

The Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (Autobiography) by Theodore Roosevelt

How The Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis

The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890-1914 by Barbara W. Tuchman

The Spanish-American War and WWI by Joseph Stromberg

Still reading, not done:

The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War by James Bradley

Alice: Alice Roosevelt Longworth, from White House Princess to Washington Power Broker by Stacy A. Cordery